Event Exporter allows the clients to download all the data of existing events as a tab-delimited file.
- Select from the menu bar, Tools | Import/Export | Import/Export Events. Select the option from Export Option and click on Start Export.
Commonly Used Fields
Commonly Used Fields are the fields that are used for simple events. For instance, to obtain the fields for “Group Discount”, “All Fields” is the option to select. The fields are listed below.
Fieldname | Description | Type | size | Answer | Defaut Value |
ENAME | Event Name | text | 255 | NULL | |
EDISPLAYNAME | Matrix Display Name | text | if null, Event Name will be stored | NULL | |
ESTARTDATE | Event Start Date & Time | date | 8 | YYYYMMDD (20171225) | current date&time |
EENDDATE | Event End Date & Time | date | 8 | YYYYMMDD (20171225) | current date&time |
ESTARTTIME | Event Start Time | datetime | 19 | YYYYMMDD HH:MM:SS (2012-01-11 15:50:00) | current date&time |
EENDTIME | Event End Time | datetime | 19 | YYYYMMDD HH:MM:SS (2012-01-11 15:50:00) | current date&time |
EORDER | Event Order | number | 8 | e.g. 10 | 10 |
EENABLED | Event Enabled | text | YES/NO | YES | |
IS_LABEL | Is this a Label? | text | Y(Yes)/N(No) | N | |
ELOCATION | Event Location | text | 255 | NULL | |
EINSTRUCTOR | Event Instructor | text | 255 | NULL | |
ECODE | Event Code | text | 35 | NULL | |
ECATEGORIES | Event Category | text | 255 | NULL | |
EUSERFIELD1 | Message 1 | text | 0 | NULL | |
EUSERFIELD2 | Message 2 | text | 0 | NULL | |
EUSERFIELD3 | Message 3 | textarea | 255 | NULL | |
EREGISTRATION_FROMDATE | Registration Period Starting Date | date | 8 | YYYYMMDD (20171225) | current date |
EREGISTRATION_TODATE | Registration Period Ending Date | date | 8 | YYYYMMDD (20171225) | current date |
AID | Registration Form | text | Registration Form ID (Use ID Lookup on the event importer) | NULL | |
EENROLUNITS | Enrolment Units | text | REGISTRATION(Registrations) REGISTRANT(Registrants) RREF(Ref#) |
EMAXENROL | Max Enrolment | number | 8 | e.g. 100 | 9999 |
E_CAD_PRICE/E_USD_PRICE | CAD/USD Price | money | 10 | e.g. 150.00 | 0.00 |
E_GL_CR_ACCOUNT | GL Account Number | text | 35 | NULL | |
ETAXID1 | TAX1 | text | Tax ID (Use ID Lookup on the event importer) | NULL | |
EEMAILFORM_TO_REGISTRANT_ENABLED | Send registrant standard confirmation e-mail upon registration? | text | YES/NO | NO | |
EEMAILFILE_TO_REGISTRANT_ENABLED | Send registrant custom confirmation e-mail upon registration? | text | YES/NO | NO | |
EEMAILFILE_TO_REGISTRANT_FILENAME | Custom E-mail Text Message Filename | text | 95 | NULL | |
EFILEATTACHMENT | Custom E-mail File Attachment Filename | text | 95 | NULL | |
EVIEWED_BY | Event Visible on Step 1 For: | text | ALL/CASHIERS ONLY | ALL | |
EPROMO_CODES | Promotion Code(s): | text | 0 | NULL | |
ESTEP1SELECTOR | Step1 Selector | text | CHECKBOX (Checkbox) RADIO (Radio) SLCT (Drop-down Quantity) TXT (Text Quantity) NONE (None) |
EPAGE1_MATRIX_ENABLED | Display Event on Step 1 Event Matrix? | text | ON(Yes)/OFF(No) | OFF | |
EMATRIX_COLUMN_HEADING | Matrix Column Heading | text | 200 | NULL | |
EMATRIX_COLUMN_ORDER | Matrix Column Order (e.g. 1) | number | 10 | e.g. 10 | NULL |
ETHANKS_ENABLED | Display ‘Thanks’ Page instead of Payment Pages? | text | YES/NO | NO | |
ERECALL_ENABLED | Enable Step 2 Home Phone ‘Recall’?< | text | YES/NO | YES | |
ERECALC_ENABLED | Display the ‘Recalculate’ button? (Step 2) | text | YES/NO | Y | |
EREGISTER_ANOTHER_ENABLED | Display the ‘Register Another’ button? | text | YES/NO | YES |
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