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Event Exporter

Event Exporter allows the clients to download all the data of existing events as a tab-delimited file.

  • Select from the menu bar, Tools | Import/Export | Import/Export Events. Select the option from Export Option and click on Start Export.

Commonly Used Fields
Commonly Used Fields are the fields that are used for simple events. For instance, to obtain the fields for “Group Discount”, “All Fields” is the option to select. The fields are listed below.

Fieldname Description Type size Answer Defaut Value
ENAME Event Name text 255 NULL
EDISPLAYNAME Matrix Display Name text if null, Event Name will be stored NULL
ESTARTDATE Event Start Date & Time date 8 YYYYMMDD (20171225) current date&time
EENDDATE Event End Date & Time date 8 YYYYMMDD (20171225) current date&time
ESTARTTIME Event Start Time datetime 19 YYYYMMDD HH:MM:SS (2012-01-11 15:50:00) current date&time
EENDTIME Event End Time datetime 19 YYYYMMDD HH:MM:SS (2012-01-11 15:50:00) current date&time
EORDER Event Order number 8 e.g. 10 10
EENABLED Event Enabled text YES/NO YES
IS_LABEL Is this a Label? text Y(Yes)/N(No) N
ELOCATION Event Location text 255 NULL
EINSTRUCTOR Event Instructor text 255 NULL
ECODE Event Code text 35 NULL
ECATEGORIES Event Category text 255 NULL
EUSERFIELD1 Message 1 text 0 NULL
EUSERFIELD2 Message 2 text 0 NULL
EUSERFIELD3 Message 3 textarea 255 NULL
EREGISTRATION_FROMDATE Registration Period Starting Date date 8 YYYYMMDD (20171225) current date
EREGISTRATION_TODATE Registration Period Ending Date date 8 YYYYMMDD (20171225) current date
AID Registration Form text Registration Form ID (Use ID Lookup on the event importer) NULL
EENROLUNITS Enrolment Units text REGISTRATION(Registrations)
EMAXENROL Max Enrolment number 8 e.g. 100 9999
E_CAD_PRICE/E_USD_PRICE CAD/USD Price money 10 e.g. 150.00 0.00
E_GL_CR_ACCOUNT GL Account Number text 35 NULL
ETAXID1 TAX1 text Tax ID (Use ID Lookup on the event importer) NULL
EEMAILFORM_TO_REGISTRANT_ENABLED Send registrant standard confirmation e-mail upon registration? text YES/NO NO
EEMAILFILE_TO_REGISTRANT_ENABLED Send registrant custom confirmation e-mail upon registration? text YES/NO NO
EEMAILFILE_TO_REGISTRANT_FILENAME Custom E-mail Text Message Filename text 95 NULL
EFILEATTACHMENT Custom E-mail File Attachment Filename text 95 NULL
EVIEWED_BY Event Visible on Step 1 For: text ALL/CASHIERS ONLY ALL
EPROMO_CODES Promotion Code(s): text 0 NULL
ESTEP1SELECTOR Step1 Selector text CHECKBOX (Checkbox)
RADIO (Radio)
SLCT (Drop-down Quantity)
TXT (Text Quantity)
NONE (None)
EPAGE1_MATRIX_ENABLED Display Event on Step 1 Event Matrix? text ON(Yes)/OFF(No) OFF
EMATRIX_COLUMN_HEADING Matrix Column Heading text 200 NULL
EMATRIX_COLUMN_ORDER Matrix Column Order (e.g. 1) number 10 e.g. 10 NULL
ETHANKS_ENABLED Display ‘Thanks’ Page instead of Payment Pages? text YES/NO NO
ERECALL_ENABLED Enable Step 2 Home Phone ‘Recall’?< text YES/NO YES
ERECALC_ENABLED Display the ‘Recalculate’ button? (Step 2) text YES/NO Y
EREGISTER_ANOTHER_ENABLED Display the ‘Register Another’ button? text YES/NO YES
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