This video is the second part of the overview of reports in e-RegisterNow. In this video we will cover eTicket Reports.
The eTicket Reports include the eTicket Mailing List, the eTicket Redemption Report, the Hourly Summary Report, the eTicket Summary Report, Barcode Scanning Sheet, and the Bulk Ticket Printer.
The eTicket Mailing List shows a summary of every transaction containing customer information and what was purchased in the transaction. It is organized alphabetically by last name. The mailing list is also very excel friendly.
The eTicket Redemption Report is a ticket report that simply displays how many tickets have been sold for each ticket type, the amount of money that has been collected, and how many of those tickets have been redeemed in real time.
The Hourly Summary Report is a breakdown of all tickets sold by the month, day, or hour. It displays the payment method, the total amount of money collected, the amount of tickets sold, and the number of transactions that have occurred.
The eTicket Summary Report gives full details about each ticket type and is considered the master report because it tells you the quantity of each ticket type sold, the price of each ticket, the total amount of money collected, and how many of each ticket type has been redeemed and unredeemed. If a ticket has been sold for a different price with a coupon for example, it will be listed in its own Ticket Name row. You are also able to download a txt file for each ticket type for easy excel entry.
After clicking on one of the ticket types you will see each individual ticket listed by reference number. This page displays each ticket number, the email of the purchaser, their last and first name, if the individual ticket has been redeemed, is valid, or has been refunded, and the purchase date among many other details.
The Barcode Scanning Sheet creates a scannable barcode sheet. This sheet is used with the box office program for faster order entry.
The Bulk Ticket Printer makes an html file of all tickets purchased that meet your specified parameters for easy bulk printing.
Read More:
Overview of Reports – Part One
Using C and M Accounts for Event Registration and Ticketing
Refunds with the e-RegisterNow Event Ticketing Software