Event Importer allows the client to upload any number of relevant data into the e-RegisterNow database. Use the procedure outlined below.
- Create an Excel spreadsheet containing the new database entries. Each column needs a unique heading – use the event fieldnames, listed at the end. The default value will be stored for the fields that are not listed in the spreadsheet. Some fields need to be in the correct format; also shown below. Use ID for Registration Form and Tax (ID can be looked up in the Import/Export Events page).
- Save the spreadsheet in the Text (Tab Delimited) format.
- Use File Upload, to bring the text file into the M root directory.
- Select from the menu bar, Tools | Import/Export | Import/Export Events. Type the file name that you’ve just uploaded into the textbox. Use the eye icon to view the file. Finally, click on Start Import
The data should now be imported as events. If there are any errors make sure the spreadsheet is properly setup and saved as a tab delimited text file. Listed below are the event fieldnames and formats.
SAMPLE: Excel | Tab-delimited text file
Event Fieldnames
* Required field
Fieldname | Description | Type | size | Answer | Defaut Value |
ENAME* | Event Name | text | 255 | NULL | |
EENABLED | Event Enabled | text | YES/NO | YES | |
AID* | Registration Form | text | Registration Form ID (Use ID Lookup on the event importer) | NULL | |
E_CAD_PRICE* | CAD Price | money | 10 | e.g. 150.00 | 0.00 |
EPRICEDESC | Additional Cost Description (Steps 2-4) | text | 255 | NULL | |
EMAXENROL* | Max Enrolment | number | 8 | e.g. 100 | 9999 |
ELINK_GROUP_MAX_ENROL | Group Max. Enrolment | number | 8 | e.g. 100 | NULL |
ECATEGORIES | Event Category | text | 255 | NULL | |
ETHANKS_ENABLED | Display ‘Thanks’ Page instead of Payment Pages? | text | YES/NO | NO | |
ERETURNURL | Direct Step 2 Return URL (English) | text | 255 | NULL | |
ETERM | Term or Period | text | 50 | e.g. Fall 2004 | NULL |
EDISPLAYNAME* | Matrix Display Name | text | if null, Event Name will be stored | NULL | |
ECLASSIFICATION | Classification | text | 255 | NULL | |
ESUBCLASS | Sub-Classification | text | 255 | NULL | |
E_RETURNURL_FRENCH | Direct Step 2 Return URL (French) | text | 150 | NULL | |
EDISCOUNTDATE | Deadline for Early Registration | date | 8 | YYYYMMDD (20171225) | Current Date |
EPRICETYPE | ? | 1 | NULL | ||
ECOUNTOFFSET | Starting Enrolment (e.g. Reserved places) | number | 8 | e.g. 0 | 0 |
ECOUNTSWITCH | Display Event’s Accelerator Number? | text | YES/NO | NO | |
EORDER* | Event Order | number | 8 | e.g. 10 | 10 |
ESTARTDATE* | Event Start Date & Time | date | 8 | YYYYMMDD (20171225) | current date&time |
EENDDATE* | Event End Date & Time | date | 8 | YYYYMMDD (20171225) | current date&time |
E_DISPLAY_QTY_ON_STEP2_PAGE | Display Editable Event Quantity? | text | Y(Yes)/N(No) | N | |
MAILFLAGDEFAULT | Default Snail Mail Preference in C-Level? | text | HOME(Home Address) BUSINESS(Business Address) WHERETOMAIL(where_to_mail fieldname decides) OFF(Off) |
HOME | |
ERECALL_ENABLED | Enable Step 2 Home Phone ‘Recall’?< | text | YES/NO | YES | |
EREGISTER_ANOTHER_ENABLED | Display the ‘Register Another’ button? | text | YES/NO | YES | |
EPAGE1_MATRIX_ENABLED* | Display Event on Step 1 Event Matrix? | text | ON(Yes)/OFF(No) | OFF | |
EPASSWORD | Event Password(s) | text | 60 | NULL | |
EEMAILFORM_TO_REGISTRANT_ENABLED | Send registrant standard confirmation e-mail upon registration? | text | YES/NO | NO | |
EEMAILFILE_TO_REGISTRANT_ENABLED | Send registrant custom confirmation e-mail upon registration? | text | YES/NO | NO | |
EEMAILFILE_TO_REGISTRANT_FILENAME | Custom E-mail Text Message Filename | text | 95 | NULL | |
EEXCLUSIVE_EVENT | ? | text | 3 | NO | |
EURL | URL for Matrix Display Name Link | text | 255 | NULL | |
EFILEATTACHMENT | Custom E-mail File Attachment Filename | text | 95 | NULL | |
EBALANCEOWINGDATE | Balance Payment Due | date | 8 | YYYYMMDD (20171225) | current date |
EREGISTRATION_FROMDATE* | Registration Period Starting Date | date | 8 | YYYYMMDD (20171225) | current date |
EREGISTRATION_TODATE* | Registration Period Ending Date | date | 8 | YYYYMMDD (20171225) | current date |
ENAME_PREFIX | Event Name – Prefix (Steps 2-4) | text | 50 | NULL | |
ENAME_SUFFIX | Event Name – Suffix (Steps 2-4) | text | 50 | NULL | |
E_USD_DEPOSIT | Event Deposit Amount (USD) | money | 10 | e.g. 150.00 | NULL |
E_USD_PRICE | Event Cost (USD) | money | 10 | e.g. 150.00 | NULL |
E_CAD_DEPOSIT | Event Deposit Amount (CAD) | money | 10 | e.g. 150.00 | NULL |
E_GL_CR_ACCOUNT | GL Account Number | text | 35 | NULL | |
E_COUPON_FOR_2 | Coupon for the discount for 2 people | text | Coupon ID | NULL | |
E_COUPON_2_CONDITION | Registrant/Family for the discount for 2 people | text | any(registrants) samefamily(family members) |
any | |
E_COUPON_FOR_3 | Coupon for the discount for 3 people | text | Coupon ID | NULL | |
E_COUPON_3_CONDITION | Registrant/Family for the discount for 3 people | text | any(registrants) samefamily(family members) |
any | |
E_COUPON_FOR_N | Coupon for the discount for N people | text | Coupon ID | NULL | |
E_N | Set a number for the discount for N people | text | 2 | NULL | |
E_COUPON_N_CONDITION | Discount type for E_N | text | 12 | any(registrants) samefamily(family members) |
any |
E_COUPON_NUMREG1 | Coupon for Registrant 1 | text | Coupon ID | NULL | |
E_COUPON_NUMREG2 | Coupon for Registrant 2 | text | Coupon ID | NULL | |
E_COUPON_NUMREG3 | Coupon for Registrant 3 | text | Coupon ID | NULL | |
E_COUPON_NUMREG4 | Coupon for Registrant 4 | text | Coupon ID | NULL | |
E_COUPON_NUMREG5 | Coupon for Registrant 5 | text | Coupon ID | NULL | |
E_COUPON_NUMREG6 | Coupon for Registrant 6 | text | Coupon ID | NULL | |
E_COUPON_NUMREG7 | Coupon for Registrant 7 | text | Coupon ID | NULL | |
E_COUPON_NUMREG8 | Coupon for Registrant 8 | text | Coupon ID | NULL | |
E_COUPON_NUMREG9 | Coupon for Registrant 9 and over | text | Coupon ID | NULL | |
E_DISPLAY_REGULAR_PRICING | Display Regular Pricing Details? (Review Page | text | YES/NO | NO | |
E_DISPLAY_GROUP_BOX | Display Coupon Code Box? (Step 2) | text | YES/NO/VAL(for Authentication) | NO | |
E_DISPLAY_COST_ON_STEP2_PAGE | Display Event Cost? (Step 2) | text | YES/NO | YES | |
E_GL_DB_ACCOUNT | ? | 35 | NULL | ||
EGROUP1 | Event Group Name 1 | text | 20 | NULL | |
EGROUP2 | Event Group Name 2 | text | 20 | NULL | |
EGROUP3 | Event Group Name 3 | text | 20 | NULL | |
EGROUP4 | Event Group Name 4 | text | 20 | NULL | |
EGROUP5 | Event Group Name 5 | text | 20 | NULL | |
EGROUP1COUPON | Applicable Coupon 1 | text | Coupon ID | NULL | |
EGROUP2COUPON | Applicable Coupon 2 | text | Coupon ID | NULL | |
EGROUP3COUPON | Applicable Coupon 3 | text | Coupon ID | NULL | |
EGROUP4COUPON | Applicable Coupon 4 | text | Coupon ID | NULL | |
EGROUP5COUPON | Applicable Coupon 5 | text | Coupon ID | NULL | |
ECOLLECTION1 | Event Collection Name 1 | text | 20 | NULL | |
ECOLLECTION2 | Event Collection Name 2 | text | 20 | NULL | |
ECOLLECTION3 | Event Collection Name 3 | text | 20 | NULL | |
ECOLLECTION4 | Event Collection Name 4 | text | 20 | NULL | |
ECOLLECTION5 | Event Collection Name 5 | text | 20 | NULL | |
ECOLLECTION6 | Event Collection Name 6 | text | 20 | NULL | |
ECOLLECTION7 | Event Collection Name 7 | text | 20 | NULL | |
ECOLLECTION8 | Event Collection Name 8 | text | 20 | NULL | |
ECOLLECTION9 | Event Collection Name 9 | text | 20 | NULL | |
ECOLLECTION10 | Event Collection Name 10 | text | 20 | NULL | |
ECOLLECTION11 | Event Collection Name 11 | text | 20 | NULL | |
ECOLLECTION12 | Event Collection Name 12 | text | 20 | NULL | |
ECOLLECTIONCOUPON1 | Full Collection Coupon 1 | text | Coupon ID | NULL | |
ECOLLECTIONCOUPON2 | Full Collection Coupon 2 | text | Coupon ID | NULL | |
ECOLLECTIONCOUPON3 | Full Collection Coupon 3 | text | Coupon ID | NULL | |
ECOLLECTIONCOUPON4 | Full Collection Coupon 4 | text | Coupon ID | NULL | |
ECOLLECTIONCOUPON5 | Full Collection Coupon 5 | text | Coupon ID | NULL | |
ECOLLECTIONCOUPON6 | Full Collection Coupon 6 | text | Coupon ID | NULL | |
ECOLLECTIONCOUPON7 | Full Collection Coupon 7 | text | Coupon ID | NULL | |
ECOLLECTIONCOUPON8 | Full Collection Coupon 8 | text | Coupon ID | NULL | |
ECOLLECTIONCOUPON9 | Full Collection Coupon 9 | text | Coupon ID | NULL | |
ECOLLECTIONCOUPON10 | Full Collection Coupon 10 | text | Coupon ID | NULL | |
ECOLLECTIONCOUPON11 | Full Collection Coupon 11 | text | Coupon ID | NULL | |
ECOLLECTIONCOUPON12 | Full Collection Coupon 12 | text | Coupon ID | NULL | |
EMATRIX_COLUMN_HEADING | Matrix Column Heading | text | 200 | NULL | |
ETAXID1 | TAX1 | text | Tax ID (Use ID Lookup on the event importer) | NULL | |
ETAXID2 | TAX2 | text | Tax ID (Use ID Lookup on the event importer) | NULL | |
ETAXID3 | TAX3 | text | Tax ID (Use ID Lookup on the event importer) | NULL | |
ETAXID4 | TAX4 | text | Tax ID (Use ID Lookup on the event importer) | NULL | |
ETAXID5 | TAX5 | text | Tax ID (Use ID Lookup on the event importer) | NULL | |
ECODE | Event Code | text | 35 | NULL | |
EVIEWED_BY | Event Visible on Step 1 For: | text | ALL/CASHIERS ONLY | ALL | |
ESTARTTIME* | Event Start Time | datetime | 19 | YYYYMMDD HH:MM:SS (2012-01-11 15:50:00) | current date&time |
EENDTIME* | Event End Time | datetime | 19 | YYYYMMDD HH:MM:SS (2012-01-11 15:50:00) | current date&time |
ELOCATION | Event Location | text | 255 | NULL | |
EINSTRUCTOR | Event Instructor | text | 255 | NULL | |
EBLURBFILE | e-Ticket ‘Blurb’ Filename | text | 255 | NULL | |
DEALID | Package Deal Identifier | text | 10 | 0 | |
ENABLE_RESERVED_SEATING | Enable Reserved Seating | text | YES/NO | NULL | |
EDISPLAY_DATES_ENABLED | Display Date with Event Name? (Step2/Review/Step4) | text | YES/NO | YES | |
EMATRIX_COLUMN_COLOUR | Matrix Column Colour (e.g. #DEDEDE) | text | 7 | NULL | |
EMATRIX_COLUMN_ORDER | Matrix Column Order (e.g. 1) | number | 10 | e.g. 10 | NULL |
EBADGENAME | Event Badge Name | textarea | 0 | NULL | |
EQTY_FIELDNAME | uantity Variable’s Fieldname in Registration Form<br><dd>(e.g. ADULT_COUNT) | NULL | |||
EQTY_DESC | Quantity Variable’s Description<br><dd> | e.g. ADULT | NULL | ||
ELONGDESC | Event’s Long Description (note: single quotes are not permitted) | text | unlimited | NULL | |
EREPEAT_ENABLED | Display the ‘Repeat’ button?< | text | YES/NO | YES | |
EINCLUDE_STEP4_BARCODES | Barcode Text: Include on Step4? | text | YES/NO | YES | |
EUSERFIELD1 | Message 1 | text | 0 | NULL | |
EUSERFIELD2 | Message 2 | text | 0 | NULL | |
EUSERFIELD3 | Message 3 | textarea | 255 | NULL | |
EENROLUNITS | Enrolment Units | text | REGISTRATION(Registrations) REGISTRANT(Registrants) RREF(Ref#) |
EDROP_CONDITION | Drop Event Condition | text | 255 | e.g. donate_amount <= 0.00 | NULL |
RS_ID | Resource Package Identifier | NULL | |||
ME_ID | Membership Type | text | Membership ID | 0 | |
ESTEP1SELECTOR | Step1 Selector | text | CHECKBOX (Checkbox) RADIO (Radio) SLCT (Drop-down Quantity) TXT (Text Quantity) NONE (None) |
ERADIOGRPNAME | Radio/Checkbox Group Name | text | 20 | NULL | |
ELINK_GROUP_NAME | Linked Event Group Name | text | 50 | NULL | |
EPROMO_CODES | Promotion Code(s): | text | 0 | NULL | |
ERECALC_ENABLED | Display the ‘Recalculate’ button? (Step 2) | text | YES/NO | Y | |
TOP_NOTES_BOX | TOP (Selection from Preferences) | text | 0-10 | 0 | |
BOTTOM_NOTES_BOX | MIDDLE (Selection from Preferences) | text | 0-10 | 0 | |
EPORTAL_EMAIL_CHECK | Guarantee only one email address per ACTIVE portal account. | text | YES/NO | NO | |
CLIENT_ID | Associated with which C-Level | text | C-level | Client ID | |
IS_MOBILE | Mobile Event? | number | 1(Yes),0(No) | 0 | |
IS_LABEL* | Is this a Label? | text | Y(Yes)/N(No) | N | |
EEMAILS_ASKED_TWICE | Ask the [Emailbox] question twice? | text | YES/NO | NO | |
EACCEPT_ONLY_UNIQUE_EMAILS | Guarantee that people have unique emails for this event? | text | YES/NO | NO | |
ESECTION | Seat Section | text | 10 | NULL | |
PAGE_BOTTOM_NOTES_BOX | BOTTOM (Selection from Preferences) | text | 0-10 | 0 | |
promo_from_SQL | ? | 0 | |||
EBOXNAME | Box Office Button Name | text | 90 | NULL | |
ENOTE_TOP | TOP (Show this box) | text | NULL | ||
ENOTE_BOTTOM | MIDDLE (Show this box) | text | NULL | ||
ENOTE_PAGE_BOTTOM | BOTTOM (Show this box) | text | NULL | ||
E_ICALENDAR | Display ‘Add to your calendar’ icons? | text | NO OP1(YES at Event Date and Time) OP2(YES as all-day event) |
NO | |
E_CCEMAILS | Carbon Copy E-Mail To | text | 255 | NULL | |
ESHOWEVENTDATE | Display Event Date under the Selector? | text | NO STARTDATE(Start Date Only) ENDDATE(End Date Only) BOTH(Start Date & End Date) |
NO | |
ESHOWEVENTDATE_FORMAT | Event Date Format | text | 2(mmm d (Mar 5) 10(mmmm d (March 5) 11(mmm d, yyyy (Mar 5, 2014)) 9 (mmmm d, yyyy (March 5, 2014)) 12 (d mmm (5 Mar)) 13 (d mmmm (5 March)) 14 (d mmm, yyyy (5 Mar, 2014) 15 (d mmmm, yyyy (5 March, 2014)) 16 (mmmm yyyy (March 2014)) |
NULL | |
EMAXENROL_PER_TRANSACTION | Maximum Enrolment per Transaction | Number | 8 | e.g. 1 | 99999 |
EECARD_ENABLED | Enable e-Card Feature | text | N(No)/Y(Yes) | N | |
EECARD_COPYTOSENDER | Send a Copy to Sender | text | N(No)/Y(Yes) | NULL | |
EECARD_FILENAME | e-Card Template Filename | text | 95 | NULL | |
EECARD_ATTACHMENT | e-Card Attachment | text | 95 | NULL | |
EDEFAULT_REFUND | Refund Amount | money | 10 | e.g. 150.00 | NULL |
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