e-RegisterNow Payment Gateway
Need a simple gateway API to accept payments from major credit cards with Chase Paymentech?
Consider using the e-RegisterNow gateway service.
The gateway runs across both Canada and the USA.
Why use Chase Paymentech?
This service allows SALE/ RETURN & VOID transactions to be sent to Chase Paymentech in real-time.
e-RegisterNow is connected to Chase Paymentech via their Tampa hub using host capture on NetConnect. The transactions execute quickly and reliably.
You will need a Chase Paymentech merchant account. Contact e-RegisterNow at 1 888 218-1020 for assistance in obtaining a merchant account.
A secure certificate must be installed on your site, unless you use an e-RegisterNow credit card collection page.
e-RegisterNow is PCI compliant.
Sample Form
<form action=”https://secure.e-RegisterNow.com/cgi-bin/kiosk.dll” method=”post”>
<input type=”hidden” name=”state” value=”GATEWAY”>
XXXTOKEN: <input type=”text” name=”XXXTOKEN” value=”Xz0sdfffswer345afda”><br>
XXXMID: <input type=”text name=”XXXMID” value=”1″><br>
XXXTOTAL_AMOUNT: <input type=”text” name=”XXXTOTAL_AMOUNT” value=”5.00″><br>
XXXCURRENCY_TYPE: <input type=”text” name=”XXXCURRENCY_TYPE” value=”CAD”><br>
XXXCARDHOLDERNAME: <input type=”text” name=”XXXCARDHOLDERNAME” value=”James Tester”><br>
XXXCARDNUMBER: <input type=”text” name=”XXXCARDNUMBER” value=”4444 0000 0000 0000″><br>
XXXCARDEXPIRYDATE: <input type=”text” name=”XXXCARDEXPIRYDATE” value=”1229″><br>
XXXCVV: <input type=”text” name=”XXXCVV” value=”123″><br>
<input type=”submit” name=”SALEBUTTON” value=”Sale”><br>