Revised: June 17, 2019
1.0 Get a daily 24-Hour Security Token for M’s within the IKEY
Test URL:
URL Breakdown
- IKEY is the ignition key associated with the M accounts.
- U_LOGIN is your e-RegisterNow login name.
- U_Password is the password you use to login to e-RegisterNow with. A pin(U_PIN) may be set here.
- FORMATSTYLE(JSON or Tab Delimited) is the format you want the return to be in.
About Call:
- This call issues a daily security token.
- A daily security token is necessary for most calls in the API to work.
- Security tokens are valid for 24 hours from the time of issue. (times based on Toronto, ET)
- Changing the Pin If a password and pin are simultaneously entered, the pin value will be changed to the value entered if and only if the password is valid.
- To authenticate, and hence obtain a token, you must specify correctly a “Login” and either a “Password” or a “Pin”.
- The IKEY defines the realm of M-accounts which will be accessed.
- Error T104: secure token unavailable: data that was input is not valid or missing.