- Go to Tasks > Manage Registrants…
- Use the “Quick Search” field to quickly find the registrant you are looking for. You can search by first name, last name, reference number or email.
- Select the registrant you wish to modify and click “View”
- This will open the Registrant Details Tab. All registrants personal data is recorded here and can be modified. Click on the Registrations Tab.
- This tab shows all the current events that the registrant is enrolled in. Click on the “Edit Registrations” button to edit.
- From the next view, you can add new events. To show all the available events, click on the “Add Events” button.
- From the events list that showed up below, select the event you wish to add. The selected events will be added to the top list with green color. Once the selection is done, click on the “Save and Process Financial Consequences”.
- On the next page, it will list the new event that will be added. You can modify the payment amount and payment type (note that the payment amounts here are the event cost. No early bird will be applied). Click on “Review” when finished.
- This page will allow you to review all your changes to ensure the correct events and amounts of money are being exchanged. Also, the description can be modified as you like. Click “Process” to confirm these changes.
- Once the transaction has been processed, the confirmation page will load showing the breakdown. It is recommended that you send the client an updated receipt with the new changes. This can be done by clicking the blue reference number link that opens a new window of the receipt. Click on the third “here” near the top to email the official receipt. The email field is pre-populated with the clients email, and a custom message can be created for the email. Send the email to send the updated, official receipt.
Moving Registrants Between Events
- Go to Tasks > Manage Registrants…
- Use the “Quick Search” field to quickly find the registrant you are looking for. You can search by first name, last name, reference number or email.
- Select the registrant you wish to modify and click “View”
- This will open the Registrant Details Tab. All registrants personal data is recorded here and can be modified. Click on the Registrations Tab.
- This tab shows all the current events that the registrant is enrolled in. Click on the “Edit Registrations” button to edit.
- From the next view, you can remove the current event the registrant is enrolled in, increase/decrease the quantity or add a new event. To move a registrant between events, first remove the event to remove the enrollment record and then add the event you wish to add. Click “Save and Process Financial Consequences” to continue.
- On the next page, it will list the event that is to be refunded and the new event that will be added. There are three scenarios to cover here:
- The events are equal in dollar value – in this case change the “select refund tender type” for the refunded event to “on account” and the same thing to the new event. Use the “on account” to create a money trail that will show that the registrant paid originally for the refunded event, and now the money is being used to pay for the new event. The registrant will be removed from the refunded event and enrolled in the new event.
- If the refunded event is more than the new event, refund the difference and change the payment tender type for the new event to “on account”. The registrant will be removed from the refunded event, refunded the amount listed and enrolled in the new event. This will all be reflected in the financial and registrant enrollment reports.
- If the refunded event is less than the new event. You will need to somehow charge the registrant the difference. You can call the client and get their CC info to process the difference. It is easier to have the client sign up through the registration process for the event they want themselves and than you can refund the cancelled event once the payment has been confirmed.
- Click on “review” when finished. If you do not see “on account” as a payment option, please contact the e-RegisterNow staff to enable it for you.
- This page will allow you to review all your changes to ensure the correct events and amounts of money are being exchanged. Click “Process” to confirm these changes.
- Once the transaction has been processed, the confirmation page will load showing the breakdown. It is recommended that you send the client an updated receipt with the new changes. This can be done by clicking the blue reference number link that opens a new window of the receipt. Click on the third “here” near the top to email the official receipt. The email field is pre-populated with the clients email, and a custom message can be created for the email. Send the email to send the updated, official receipt.
Manage Registrants
The Manage Registrants tab allows the user to search for all registrants that have signup for in this specific M number. You can search by first name, last name, email or reference number.

The results box will narrow down search targets as you type. To see the more detailed result, click on the “Search” button after typing in a search string.
To filter by events, use the check box “Search in specific event(s)”.

- Manage registrants is recommended for editing registrant information or cancelling existing enrolments.
- To change from one event to another, it is recommended to use this interface to cancel the leaving event, and then use Tasks; Cashier Entry to add the new enrolment. The reason for this, is to ensure a confirmation email is sent and all coupons are triggered that are associated with the new event.
- If you’re dealing with a simple, “out-of-one event” and into another event, go ahead and use this feature to accomplish this.
Cashier Entry
There are special Cashier Mode registration forms whereby a person with administrative access and Cashier Entry privileges can process registrations that are faxed in, telephoned in or presented in person.
Logging into the Merchant Area Cashier Mode
Go to Tasks > Cashier Entry
After Clicking ‘Cashier Entry’, a new screen will open. The cashier’s name will appear at the bottom of the new screen. All cashier transactions are tagged as being completed by that cashier, for audit purposes.
When the Cashier Mode is used to perform a registration, the Cashier can override prices and register participants for events that are not available on ‘public’ registration pages.
Additional Payment Options for Cashiers
Additional payment options are also presented to cashiers, such as Cash, Debit, Money Order, Cheque (cheque is given or on hand versus Mail in Cheque option where the payment has not yet been received). These payment options will not be available to the web registrants.
If a registrant requests a Chargeback from their credit card company, the chargeback must be processed by e-RegisterNow to keep all reports accurate. The credit card company has already taken the money out of your account, so no money should be refunded to the registrant.
How to Process a Chargeback:
- Go to Tasks > Refund
- Search for the registrant/transaction. It is recommended to use the confirmation number of the transaction since this will automatically bring up the transaction.
- Select the following settings:
Refund Amount | In most cases you should select ‘Full’. If a partial chargeback occured, select ‘Partial’ and enter the amount. |
Refund Type | Select ‘Chargeback’ |
Refund Tender Type | In most cases select ‘Use Original Transaction Tender Type’ |
- Click on
- A confirmation screen will appear:
Manual Refunds
Manual refunds do NOT remove a registrant from an event.
- Go to Tasks > Refund
- Search for the registrant/transaction. It is recommended to use the confirmation number of the transaction since this will automatically bring up the transaction.
- Select the following settings
Refund Amount Select ‘Partial’ and enter the amount, or select ‘Full’ Refund Type Select ‘Refund’. If you select ‘Chargeback’, the customer will receive no money. Refund Tender Type Select the tender type. - Click on
- A confirmation screen will appear:
Move a Registrant from One Event to Another and Issue a Refund
- Go to Tasks > Manage Registrants
- Search for the transaction. If possible, search using the confirmation number that was issued to the registrant at the time of registration. Doing this will automatically bring up the transaction.
- Click on the ‘Registered Events’ tab
- Click on
- Deselect the event from which the registrant should be removed. All events that the registrant is registered for are highlighted in green.Select the new event. If an event is full, it will be highlighted in red.
- Click on
- The first half of the screen summarizes the changes and gives the options for the refund. If an administrative fee should be charged, enter it in the appropriate box. Select the tender type for the refund.
- The second half of the screen processes the new event. You may override the price and enter the payment method.
- Click on
- Review the refund information
- Click on
- The following confirmation screen will appear
Remove a Registrant from an Event and Issue a Refund
There are two ways to issue a refund for a registrant registered within an event:
a. Perform a Manual Full or Partial Refund and keep registrant registered within the event they signed up for.
b. Remove registrant and perform a refund:
- Go to Tasks > Manage Registrants
- Use the search field under Quick Search. This will quickly narrow down the registrant as you provide either first name, last name, reference number, or email address.
- After you have found your registrant click on the “view”
- This will bring up the registration details page providing all the info that the person filled out on Step 2, any e-tickets purchased along with the bar-codes and whether the ticket is still valid. As a cashier, you can edit any of this information if it needs any update for any reason.
- Select the Registrations tab near the top to see what events this individual is enrolled in.
- This page will show all events, the quantity of each event and the payment status (if applicable). (The “Direct Cashier Login” button allows you quickly reach Step 1, select another event for the registrant to enroll in, and have all the registrant’s personal information pre-populated for you.)
- Press the “Edit Registrations” button to enter the edit page. Here you can remove the event you wish to refund using “Remove”, increase the quantity of the event already enrolled in and/or add a completely new event using the “Add Events” link.
*Note* that the last two options require that you have the registrants credit card on you, if the new events costs money, as it will need to be charged to enroll person successfully. We do not have the client’s credit card info and cannot perform these actions on your behalf. - Once you are done editing, press “Save and Process Financial Consequences”.
- This will load the confirmation page. Here you can edit the amount to be refunded, be default it is always the full amount. And you can change the tender type, by default it will always be the original tender type (i.e. VISA, MC, etc.). Once finished, press “Review”
- Use the review page to confirm all the information is correct. Press “Back” if it is not, otherwise press “Process”. If an e-ticket was purchased, this will invalidate the e-ticket and not allow it to be scanned as entry into the associated event.
- Once the refund has been processed, it will enter our refund queue as pending until the system processes. Depending on the card holder’s issuing institution, the refund may take up to 5 business days before it appears on the clients statement.
- As a courtesy, it is always a good idea to send the updated receipt to the registrant to show the refund. Click on the blue hyperlinked reference number (seen below).
- This will open a new window that shows the updated receipt. Click on “Email This Page” to send a printable official receipt via e-mail. The registrant email will come pre-populated. You can also BCC yourself a copy of the receipt. Click “Send” to send the email and you are finished.