- Go to Tasks > Manage Registrants…
- Use the “Quick Search” field to quickly find the registrant you are looking for. You can search by first name, last name, reference number or email.
- Select the registrant you wish to modify and click “View”
- This will open the Registrant Details Tab. All registrants personal data is recorded here and can be modified. Click on the Registrations Tab.
- This tab shows all the current events that the registrant is enrolled in. Click on the “Edit Registrations” button to edit.
- From the next view, you can remove the current event the registrant is enrolled in, increase/decrease the quantity or add a new event. To move a registrant between events, first remove the event to remove the enrollment record and then add the event you wish to add. Click “Save and Process Financial Consequences” to continue.
- On the next page, it will list the event that is to be refunded and the new event that will be added. There are three scenarios to cover here:
- The events are equal in dollar value – in this case change the “select refund tender type” for the refunded event to “on account” and the same thing to the new event. Use the “on account” to create a money trail that will show that the registrant paid originally for the refunded event, and now the money is being used to pay for the new event. The registrant will be removed from the refunded event and enrolled in the new event.
- If the refunded event is more than the new event, refund the difference and change the payment tender type for the new event to “on account”. The registrant will be removed from the refunded event, refunded the amount listed and enrolled in the new event. This will all be reflected in the financial and registrant enrollment reports.
- If the refunded event is less than the new event. You will need to somehow charge the registrant the difference. You can call the client and get their CC info to process the difference. It is easier to have the client sign up through the registration process for the event they want themselves and than you can refund the cancelled event once the payment has been confirmed.
- Click on “review” when finished. If you do not see “on account” as a payment option, please contact the e-RegisterNow staff to enable it for you.
- This page will allow you to review all your changes to ensure the correct events and amounts of money are being exchanged. Click “Process” to confirm these changes.
- Once the transaction has been processed, the confirmation page will load showing the breakdown. It is recommended that you send the client an updated receipt with the new changes. This can be done by clicking the blue reference number link that opens a new window of the receipt. Click on the third “here” near the top to email the official receipt. The email field is pre-populated with the clients email, and a custom message can be created for the email. Send the email to send the updated, official receipt.
Manage Registrants
Manage Registrants
The Manage Registrants tab allows the user to search for all registrants that have signup for in this specific M number. You can search by first name, last name, email or reference number.

The results box will narrow down search targets as you type. To see the more detailed result, click on the “Search” button after typing in a search string.
To filter by events, use the check box “Search in specific event(s)”.

- Manage registrants is recommended for editing registrant information or cancelling existing enrolments.
- To change from one event to another, it is recommended to use this interface to cancel the leaving event, and then use Tasks; Cashier Entry to add the new enrolment. The reason for this, is to ensure a confirmation email is sent and all coupons are triggered that are associated with the new event.
- If you’re dealing with a simple, “out-of-one event” and into another event, go ahead and use this feature to accomplish this.