All these fields are optional. It is possible to make the registrant go directly to the registration form, skipping over step 1. Note that cashier mode will never skip step 1.
Direct Step 2 URL
On the registration form there is a “Back” button. The default action of this button is to go to step 1. If step 2 is accessed directly from the organization’s web site, the address that should be returned to should be entered in the text boxes. If the site has seperate French and English access pages, each should be entered.
Display ‘Thanks’ Page
For events where no money is processed (e.g. a survey), a thanks page could be displayed instead of a payment processing page.
If the organization’s web site is accessing the registration form directly, this URL should be linked to from the web site.
Display Coupon Code Box
A registrant can be given a code to enter in the registration form. This activates a pre-set coupon that gives them a discount. See Coupons for more information.
Display Regular Pricing Details
Set to ‘Yes’ in most cases for the regular pricing to appear on the Review page.
Event Name – Prefix
To display additional text before the event name for Step 2, Review and Payment Option Page and Invoice/Receipt page
Event Name – Suffix
To display additional text after the event name for Step 2, Review and Payment Option Page and Invoice/Receipt page
Additional Cost Description
Additional price clarifications or other text can be inserted.
Display Date with Event Name
Set to ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.
Display the ‘Register Another’ button?
The registrant may register another person. Both will be billed to the same credit card and appear on the same invoice.