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eTicket Custom Template Variables

All the following variables will be replaces with the appropriate data. They must be enclosed between “%% %%” to work (e.g. %%amount_paid%%).



Variable Variable Definition in eTickets
total_amount_paid The total amount charged to credit card or other payment type.
amount_paid The event amount charged to credit card or other payment type.
barcode_image barcode as a *.jpg file (e.g. ABC123.jpg)

Note: The barcode number will appear below the image.

barcode_number The code the barcode represents. (e.g. ABC123)
blurb_file Name of the file whose contents are dumped into the eticket.
confirmation_number e-RegisterNow’s reference number (e.g. 1234567)
dateconfirmed The date the transaction occurred. (e.g. 2004-12-25 00:23:00)
datetime A timestamp of the date and time now. (e.g. 2004-12-25 00:23:00)
datetime_yearlater A timestamp of the date and time one year later. ( 2005-12-25 00:23:00)
date A timestamp of the date and time now. (e.g. 2004-12-25)
date_yearlater A timestamp of the date and time one year later. (e.g. 2005-12-25)
date_MDY A timestamp of the date and time one year later. (e.g. December 24, 2005)
date_MDY_yearlater A timestamp of the date and time now. (e.g. December 24, 2004)
date_MMMDDYYYY A timestamp of the date and time now. (e.g. Dec 25, 2004)
date_MMMDDYYYY_yearlater A timestamp of the date and time one year later. (e.g. Dec 25, 2005)
date_YYYYMMMDD A timestamp of the date and time now. (e.g. 2004Dec25)
date_YYYYMMMDD_yearlater A timestamp of the date and time one year later. (e.g. 2005Dec25)
description A long description of the transaction.
effective_date[date_format][yyyymmdd] return the date yyyymmdd (date in the second blacket) if registration date is prior to that date. if not, return the registration date.
e.g.) effective_date[date_format][20160812] reg date Aug 10, 2016 and the date in the variable Aug 12, 2016 -> return Aug 12, 2016
See Date Format Section below for [date_format]
email Ticketholder’s email.
event_badgename Event’s course badgename.
event_categories Event’s course categories, (e.g. camps~sports~day)
event_code Event’s course code.
event_enddate Event’s end date. (e.g. Jun. 30, 2006)
event_endtime Event’s end date and time.
event_instructor Event’s instructor’s name.
event_location Event’s location.
event_name Event’s name.
event_startdate Event’s start date. (e.g. Jun. 30, 2006)
event_startdate_yearlater[date_format] One year from Event’s start date. See Date Format Section below for [date_format]
event_starttime Event’s start date and time.
event_qty[eid] Quantity of the event.
fullname Ticketholder’s full name
message1 Event Message 1
message2 Event Message 2
message3 Event Message 3
paymethod Ticketholder’s payment method (e.g. visa)
question_field=xxx Response to a custom question, where “xxx” represents the custom question’s field name (e.g. question_field=age)
question_field_date=xxx Response to a custom question, where “xxx” represents the custom question’s field name (e.g. question_field=birthdate).  Use this when the response is of datetype.  (e.g. %M %d, %Y)
 question_field_date_yearlater=xxx  Response to a custom question, where “xxx” represents the custom question’s field name (e.g. question_field=birthdate).  Use this when the response is of datetype.  (e.g. %M %d, %Y)
registrant_business_name Company name where registrant works.
registrant_business_address_1 Company’s address line 1.
registrant_business_address_2 Company’s address line 2.
registrant_business_city Company’s city address.
registrant_business_country Company’s country
registrant_business_province Company’s province
registrant_business_postal Company’s postal code.
registrant_business_phone Company’s phone number
registrant_business_jobtitle Registrant’s job title at the company.
registrant_home_address Registrant’s home address
registrant_home_city Registrant’s home city
registrant_home_province Registrant’s home province/state.
registrant_home_postal Registrant’s home postal code/zip code.
registrant_home_country Registrant’s home country.
registrant_home_phone Registrant’s home phone number.
registration_date Date this ticket was purchased.
row Seat row.  (e.g. A)
seat Seat number.  (e.g. 5)
section Seat section.  (e.g. North)
serialnumber Ticket’s serial number
series_no The number of the ticket in the series of tickets purchased.
series_total The total number of tickets purchased.
seriesprice The total price of the ticket series.
subtotal Equals amount paid minus the taxes
tax1amount The dollar amount attributed to tax 1.
tax2amount The dollar amount attributed to tax 2.
tax3amount The dollar amount attributed to tax 3.
tax4amount The dollar amount attributed to tax 4.
tax5amount The dollar amount attributed to tax 5.
tendertype The type of tender used for the payment (e.g. VISA, CASH)
testmode Testmode status, OFF, ACK, or NAK
ticketname The name of the eTicket series.  e.g. Semi-final Basketball Playoff Game 1
ticketprice The ticket price.
ticketlist Displays, ‘Please print each of your tickets. Use the browser’s BACK button to return to print more tickets.’
Date Format
Number Date Format Sample mySQL format mask
0 August 1st, 2016 %M %D, %Y
1 August 1, 2016 %M %e, %Y
2 Aug. 1, 2016 %b. %e, %Y
3 Aug 1, 2016 %b %e, %Y
4 Aug/01/2016 %b/%d/%Y
5 Aug/01/16 %b/%d/%y
6 08/01/2016 %m/%d/%Y
7 08/01/16 %m/%d/%y
8 2016-08-01 %Y-%m-%d
9 16-08-01 %y-%m-%d
10 2016 %Y
none of above use this as format mask


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