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The Change Pin Page

The following is an example of an HTML body of a template for the “Change Pin” page:

<FORM action=”%%portal_account_action%%” method=”%%portal_account_method%%” name=”%%portal_account_name%%”>

<H4>Change Your Existing Pin Number</H4>

To change your Pin number, please provide us with your email address and your current pin number.

<input type=text name=%%portal_pin_email%% size=70 maxlength=150>

Old Pin Number:
<input type=password name=%%portal_pin_old%% size=25 maxlength=25>

New Pin Number:
<input type=password name=%%portal_pin_new1%% size=25 maxlength=25>

Re-type Pin Number:
<input type=password name=%%portal_pin_new2%% size=25 maxlength=25>

<INPUT name=”savebutton” type=submit value=”Save Changes”>
<INPUT name=”cancelbutton” type=submit value=”Cancel”>



This creates the following display:

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