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The taxes must first be defined in the Taxes section of the Main Menu and then assigned on a per event basis to those events where taxes are applicable.

Taxes are retroactive. If you assign taxes to an event, after people have already registered for the event, the GL Account Report will show the tax breakdown.
GL (General Ledger) Account Report

The GL (General Ledger) Account Report tracks the various taxes and makes it easy for financial officers to report and submit government taxes.

Again, be sure to enter the total base cost, including all taxes, in Event Definition.

Cashiers Note: Cashiers have the ability to override an event price. If they do so, the system will assign the appropriate tax calculation based on the new price. Enter the over ride price without the taxes and the system will add the appropriate taxes.
How to Define a Tax

  1. Go to Edit > Pricing > Taxes
  2. If no taxes have yet been defined, the following screen will appear:
  3. Click on   and the default tax screen will appear:Description
    On/Off Off = This tax is off
    On = This tax is On
    You can set taxes up in advance. Set the Flag to “OFF”, assign them in Event Definition and then turn them ON at a later time when ready to set the taxes live.
    Tax Name i.e. GST, HST, PST, QST
    Tax Rate As a percentage – enter numeric value
    Tax Type Normal or Compounded Formula

    (For states/provinces with a compounding tax system: i.e. Quebec)

    Compounded is for taxes like Quebec’s QST, where the QST is calculated on the subtotal of the base costplus the GST.
    $100.00 x 7% GST = $7.00
    $107.00 x 7.5% QST = $8.025
    $100.00 + $7.00 + $8.00 = $115.02Normal setting calculates the tax on the base cost only
    $100.00 x 7% GST = $7.00
    $100.00 x 8% PST = $8.00
    $100.00 + $7.00 + $8.00 = $115.00
    Currency CAD = Canadian Dollars
    USD = American Dollars
    GL# General Ledger Number Enter GST, PST, etc. and the GL Account Report will distribute the taxes accordingly
    Government Tax # Enter the GST number in this field
    Invoice Description Enter the GST, PST, etc. and this description will appear on the Invoice/Receipt
  4. Click on  
  5. After saving your tax, you see the screen below:Taxes can be edited by clicking on “Edit Defined Taxes”, delete a tax with the “Delete Tax”switch, or click the “Create New Tax” button to add another tax.
  6. Now the taxes must be applied to each event
    1. Go to Edit > Events
    2. Select the event and click on  
    3. Under the “Event Settings” tab, select “Event Pricing (basic)” from the left-hand navigation menu
    4. Under the “Applicable Taxes” heading, select the tax from the drop-down menu
    5. Click on  
    6. Repeat for all applicable events
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