Merchange Account Enabled? | Must be set to ‘Yes’ for test and live modes, ‘No’ site is retired if you would like to temporarily take the pages down. All transactions will be declined in this setting. |
Merchant Account Name | The name of the M-level as it will appear in the C-level and on C-level reports. |
Secondary Merchant Name (optional) |
Enter a Dept. or Division name if applicable. |
Company/Organization Name | Enter the Company name, or for single events/conferences, enter Event name |
Operational Mode & Password | This is used to test the account. Select ‘Test Card Accept’, ‘Test Card Decline’, or ‘LIVE MODE’.
If a password is entered in the neighbouring field, then merchants must enter a password to access the registration pages during testing. Remove the password when the site goes live. During Test Card Accept mode, the system will act as though transactions have gone through, but nothing will be processed. In Test Card Decline, the systems will automatically decline every credit card number, allowing you to look at the appearance of the Decline process. |
Merchant Account Retired? | Default to ‘No’. This is usually set to ‘Yes’ when the account is no longer used. When an account is retired, transactions cannot be processed and the account will be listed/classed as a ‘retired’ M-account. |