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Step 1: The Login Page

All the variables in Step 1 are HTML “Form” variables. A basic understanding of HTML forms is needed to create a template. The following is an example of an HTML template for Step 1:


<FORM action=”%%portal_step1_action%%” method=”%%portal_step1_method%%” name=”%%portal_step1_name%%”>

<input type=”text” size=40 maxlength=50 name=”%%portal_step1_email_varname%%” value=”%%portal_step1_email_value%%”>
Primary Key1:
<input type=”text” size=40 maxlength=50 name=”%%portal_step1_key1_varname%%” value=”%%portal_step1_key1_value%%”>
Pin Number:
<input type=”password” name=”%%portal_step1_pinnumber_varname%%”>
<INPUT name=”%%portal_step1_newbutton_name%%” type=submit value=”%%portal_step1_newbutton_value%%”>
<INPUT name=”%%portal_step1_loginbutton_name%%” type=submit value=”%%portal_step1_loginbutton_value%%”>



This creates the following display (text formatting has been added to the code above):

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