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Import Registrants


Import Registrants allows the client to upload any number of relevant data into the e-RegisterNow database. An event and a registration form will have to be set up for the import to be used correctly. Use the procedure outlined below. Click here for additional screenshots.

  1. Create an Excel spreadsheet containing the new database entries. Each column needs a unique heading – these will become fieldnames during the import. Use the standard fieldnames, listed at the end, when appropriate. Dates, telephone numbers, etc. need to be in the correct format; also shown below. Finally, save the spreadsheet in the Text (Tab Delimited) format.
  2. The spreadsheet headings need to be added to a registration form. The standard fieldnames must be selected on the form, the rest will be added as custom questions:
    a. Create a new registration form. For each standard fieldname, enable the corresponding standard question.
    b. Add a custom question for each non-standard fieldname, using an appropriate question type. For example here is a custom, “date added” field:
  3. Create an event using the registration form created above. Other event options don’t need to be changed. This allows the data to be imported as registrants.
  4. The M is now ready for the import. Use File Upload, to bring the text file spreadsheet into the M.  Next, select from the menu bar, Tools | Import | Import Registrants. Type the text file name into the textbox and make sure the event from part 3 is selected. Finally, click on Import Data

The data should now be imported as registrants. If there are any errors make sure the spreadsheet is properly setup and saved as a tab delimited text file. Listed below are the standard fieldnames and formats.

Standard Field Names

Fieldname Description
RGIVEN First name
RMIDDLE Middle name
RTITLE Mr., Ms., Dr., etc.
RPROV Province
RPOSTAL Postal Code
RCOMPANY Company Name
RJOBTITLE Company Job Title
RCOMMENTS Comments/Notes
REMAIL Email address
RHAREAPHONE Home Phone area code
RHPHONE Home Phone number
RHPHONEEXT Home Phone extension
RFAREAPHONE Fax area code
RFPHONE Fax number
RCAREAPHONE Cell phone area code
RCPHONE Cell phone number
RBADDRESS1 Business Address
RBADDRESS2 Business Address2, eg. Suite number
RBCITY Business’ city
RBPROV Business’ province
RBCOUNTRY Business’ country
RBPOSTAL Business’ postal code
RDATECREATED Date added to database

Standard Formats

Telephone Number 123-456-7890 x 111 (ext. must be same cell as number)
Date yyyymmdd
Phone # clean 1 column (613-(665-3333)ext2

Do not include area code

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