Import Registrants allows the client to upload any number of relevant data into the e-RegisterNow database. An event and a registration form will have to be set up for the import to be used correctly. Use the procedure outlined below. Click here for additional screenshots.
- Create an Excel spreadsheet containing the new database entries. Each column needs a unique heading – these will become fieldnames during the import. Use the standard fieldnames, listed at the end, when appropriate. Dates, telephone numbers, etc. need to be in the correct format; also shown below. Finally, save the spreadsheet in the Text (Tab Delimited) format.
- The spreadsheet headings need to be added to a registration form. The standard fieldnames must be selected on the form, the rest will be added as custom questions:
a. Create a new registration form. For each standard fieldname, enable the corresponding standard question.
b. Add a custom question for each non-standard fieldname, using an appropriate question type. For example here is a custom, “date added” field: - Create an event using the registration form created above. Other event options don’t need to be changed. This allows the data to be imported as registrants.
- The M is now ready for the import. Use File Upload, to bring the text file spreadsheet into the M. Next, select from the menu bar, Tools | Import | Import Registrants. Type the text file name into the textbox and make sure the event from part 3 is selected. Finally, click on Import Data
The data should now be imported as registrants. If there are any errors make sure the spreadsheet is properly setup and saved as a tab delimited text file. Listed below are the standard fieldnames and formats.
Standard Field Names
Fieldname | Description |
RGIVEN | First name |
RSURNAME | Surname |
RMIDDLE | Middle name |
RTITLE | Mr., Ms., Dr., etc. |
RCITY | City |
RPROV | Province |
RCOUNTRY | Country |
RPOSTAL | Postal Code |
RCOMPANY | Company Name |
RJOBTITLE | Company Job Title |
RCOMMENTS | Comments/Notes |
REMAIL | Email address |
RHAREAPHONE | Home Phone area code |
RHPHONE | Home Phone number |
RHPHONEEXT | Home Phone extension |
RFAREAPHONE | Fax area code |
RFPHONE | Fax number |
RCAREAPHONE | Cell phone area code |
RCPHONE | Cell phone number |
RBADDRESS1 | Business Address |
RBADDRESS2 | Business Address2, eg. Suite number |
RBCITY | Business’ city |
RBPROV | Business’ province |
RBCOUNTRY | Business’ country |
RBPOSTAL | Business’ postal code |
RDATECREATED | Date added to database |
Standard Formats
Telephone Number | 123-456-7890 x 111 (ext. must be same cell as number) |
Date | yyyymmdd |
Phone # clean | 1 column (613-(665-3333)ext2 |
Do not include area code