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How to Use the Enrollment Report

Enrollment Summary Report

Go to Reports > Registrant Reports > Enrollment Report. This report displays the enrolment information by event.

  1. Registration period for the report
  2. Display Mode (see the images below for more details)
    • List: List the events one by one with Event Name
    • Grid: Display the report like the step1 matrix using the matrix display name
  3. Display Enabled/Enabled Events
  4. Show Reserved Enrolment: This is applicable for those events that “the starting enrolment (reserved places)” is set to.
  5. Show Event Code: Display Event Code or not (applicable for List mode only)
  6. By clicking on this button, you’ll be downloading a tab delimited .txt file of this report
  7. By clicking on the current number of the registration, you’ll be taken to the Enrollment details report.

List Mode or Grid Mode

List Mode will simply list all the enrollment information along with the event name. Grid Mode will show them in the matrix organized by “Matrix Display Name” and “Matrix Column Headings” in each individual event setting just like the step 1 page. If two events have the same Matrix Display name but different Matrix Column Headings, two columns will appear.
If Step 1 Matrix is not used, List Mode might work better for you.

List Mode

Grid Mode

Enrollment Details Report

Once you click on the current enrollment number on the Summary Report, you’ll be taken to this report. This report shows all the registrants who registered during the registration period that is selected on the previous page.
Questions on the registration form can be added to this report by checking off the question fieldname on the grey tray on the left side. This settings will be saved by event.

  1. Show/Hide grey tray
  2. Questions on the registration form. Check off the items and click on “update” button. The items will be added to the report.
  3. By clicking on the column header, the report will be sorted by the column. (This is applicable for columns, Registrant Name, Reference # and Event Name only)
  4. By clicking on the registrant name, you’ll be taken to manage registrant
  5. By clicking on the reference #, you’ll be taken to the Official Receipt
  6. Download the tab delimited .txt file
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