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Express Ticketing

  1. Switch to turn on (Edit > Preferences > Features)
  2. Select the registration form.
  3. Turn on the switch for events. (Edit > Event > Registration / Enrolment) >
  4. Set the template files and upload them.


  1. Question Type, Signature and File Upload, do not work with Express Ticketing
  2. Checkbox, Radiobuttons – column number 1: one column more than 1: inline buttons

Front Page Variables

MANDATORY_BODYThis should be placed right above </body>
MANDATORY_HEADThis should be placed in the <head>
MSGerror message
EVENTSDisplay all the events available
EID[xxxx]Display this event with a selector. xxxx represents EID
REGISTRATIONFORMDisplay the registration form
CREDITCARDFORMDisplay Credit Card Form
SESSIONVALUESall the session value in JSON
XXXREFReference #

Final Page Variables

TOTAL_AMOUNT_PAIDTotal amount paid
EVENT_NAME[n]Event Name
EID[n]Event ID
EVENT_CAD[n]Event CAD Price
EVENT_USD[n] Event USD Price
EVENT_QTY[n]Event Quantity
TICKETNAME[n]Ticket Name

Variables for Official Receipt Page is also available on this page

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