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Custom Templates

Standard Form Variables:

The following code MUST appear in the body of the review template.

<form method=”%%review_form_method%%” action=”%%review_form_action%%” name=”%%review_form_name%%”>

<!–Insert Form Variables Here–>


Variables that go within the form tags:

Force the Registrant to Pay Using a Credit Card:

A hidden setting will choose ‘Credit Card’ as the payment type. This will overwrite any payment method chosen in Cashier Mode.

<input type=”hidden” name=”%%review_form_paymentmethod_name%%” value=”%%review_form_paymentmethod_creditcard%%”>

Force the Registrant to Pay by Fax:

A hidden setting will choose ‘fax’ as the payment type. This will overwrite any payment method chosen in Cashier Mode.

<input type=”hidden” name=”%%review_form_paymentmethod_name%%” value=”%%review_form_paymentmethod_fax%%”>

Footer Information:

This will display the ‘Payment Method’ radio buttons, images of acceptable credit card types, and the standard buttons.


Payment Method – Web Settings:

This will display the ‘Payment Method’ radio buttons. In Cashier Mode, only options available in web mode will appear.


Payment Method – Normal Behavior:

This will display the ‘Payment Method’ radio buttons. In Cashier Mode, the cashier can select any type of payment, including non-web options.


Web View:

Cashier View:

Back Button:

Clicking on the back button will return the registrant to step 2.

<input type=submit name=%%review_form_backbutton_name%% value=”%%review_form_backbutton_value%%”>

Start Over Button:

Clicking on the start over button will return the registrant to the address entered under Edit > Preferences > Contact Info.

<input type=submit name=%%review_form_finishedbutton_name%% value=”%%review_form_finishedbutton_value%%”>

Register Another Button:

Clicking on the “Register Another” button will return the registrant to step 1. They will be able to register another registrant in the same transaction.

<input type=submit name=%%review_form_againbutton_name%% value=”%%review_form_againbutton_value%%”>

Process Button:

Clicking on the ‘Process’ button will bring up step 4. Note that the registrant does not need to click on a payment type to continue.

<input type=submit name=%%review_form_processbutton_name%% value=”%%review_form_processbutton_value%%”>

Other Variables:



Mandatory System Message:

This must be included in all custom review templates.


Credit Card Information:

One of the following should appear:







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