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Custom Confirmation Email Variables

All the following variables will be replaces with the appropriate data. They must be enclosed between “%% %%” to work (e.g. %%amount_paid%%).


VariableVariable Definition in eTickets
EMAILRegistrant’s Email
EMAIL_PRINTABLE_INVOICE_LINKA URL link to the printable invoice.
EVENT_NAMEName of your event as defined in event definition
EVENT_BADGENAMEBadge name of your event as defined in event definition
EVENT_LOCATIONLocation as defined in Event Definition
EVENT_INSTRUCTORInstructor/Presentor as defined in Event Definition
EVENT_CATEGORIESCategory as defined in Event Definition. (e.g. sailing~camp~boating)
EVENT_START_DATEFirst day of event as defined in Event Definition
EVENT_END_DATELast day of event as defined in Event Definition
EVENT_LIST_NAMES_AND_DATESList events that the registrant has chosen, with dates. In default, they will be listed one event per line.
EVENT_LIST_NAMES_AND_DATES[,]Same as above, except events will be listed as follows:
Event1, Event2, Event3, etc.
EVENT_LIST_NAMES_AND_INSTRUCTORSDisplay’s Event Names and Instructors
EVENT_START_DATE_NICE_FORMATStart date of event in the following format:
DayofWeek, Month DD, YYYY
MESSAGE_SUBJECTEmail’s Subject line.
PIDThe C-level’s unique identifier for each person found in the C-level database.
REGISTRANT_NAME_FIRSTRegistrant’s First Name inputted in the registration form
REGISTRANT_NAME_MIDDLERegistrant’s Middle Name inputted in the registration form
REGISTRANT_NAME_LASTRegistrant’s Last Name inputted in the registration form
REGISTRANT_NAME_SALUTATIONSalutation inputted in the registration form
REGISTRANT_NAME_JOBTITLEJob title inputted in the registration form
REGISTRANT_HOME_PHONERegistrant’s home phone number, as entered in the registration form
REGISTRANT_HOME_FAXRegistrants’s home fax number, as entered in registration form
REGISTRANT_HOME_CELLRegistrants’s home cell number, as entered in registration form
REGISTRANT_HOME_ADDRESSRegistrants’s home address, as entered in registration form
REGISTRANT_HOME_CITYRegistrants’s home city, as entered in registration form
REGISTRANT_HOME_PROVINCERegistrants’s home province, as entered in registration form
REGISTRANT_HOME_POSTALRegistrants’s home postal code, as entered in registration form
REGISTRANT_HOME_COUNTRYRegistrants’s home country, as entered in registration form
REGISTRANT_BUSINESS_NAMERegistrants’s business name, as entered in registration form
REGISTRANT_BUSINESS_ADDRESS1Registrants’s business address, as entered in registration form
REGISTRANT_BUSINESS_ADDRESS2Registrants’s 2nd line of biz address, as entered in registration form
REGISTRANT_BUSINESS_CITYRegistrants’s business city, as entered in registration form
REGISTRANT_BUSINESS_PROVINCERegistrants’s business province, as entered in registration form
REGISTRANT_BUSINESS_POSTALRegistrants’s business postal code, as entered in registration form
REGISTRANT_BUSINESS_COUNTRYRegistrants’s business country, as entered in registration form
REGISTRANT_BUSINESS_PHONERegistrants’s business phone number, as entered in registration form
PASSWORDA arbitrary password generated for each registration.
QUESTION_FIELD=xxxResponse to a custom question, where ‘xxx’ represents the custom question’s field name (e.g.: QUESTION_FIELD=AGE)
QUESTION_FIELD_DATE=xxxResponse to a custom question, where ‘xxx’ represents the custom question’s field name (e.g.: QUESTION_FIELD=BIRTHDATE) Use when the response is of date type.
WAIVER_FIELD=xxxResponse to a custom question, where ‘xxx’ represents the custom question’s field name (e.g.: QUESTION_FIELD=PHOTOWAIVER).
It the first few letters are “Yes” or “I AGREE”, it will return the contents of /MID/emailwaiver_xxx.txt.
(html code can be inserted to this .txt file if the email template is html.)
PAYMENT_METHODThe payment method used. (e.g. VISA)
REGISTRANT_SUMMARYDisplays a summary of events registered in.
REGISTRANT_SUMMARY1Displays a summary of events registered in using a different format than REGISTRANT_SUMMARY.
REGISTRATION_FORM_EMAILThe default registration form email
EMAIL_PRINTABLE_INVOICE_LINKFor e-Ticket users, this will send the web link to the original invoice, shown in Step 4 to the registrant
CONFIRMATION_NUMBERRegistrant’s transaction confirmation number, issued by e-RegisterNow
XXXDOLLARTYPERegistrants currency used for payment: CAD or USD
XXXAMOUNTTotal amount of registrant’s transaction
tax1amount – tax5amountTotal of tax 1 – tax 5
XXXMIDThe merchant’s M account ID
XXXPAYMENTTYPEE.g.: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Mail, Cheque, etc.
XXXCUSTOMEMAILCCCustom email cc address.
XXXCUSTOMEMAILCustom email address recipient.
XXXCUSTOMSUBJECTCustom email’s subject.
XXXCUSTOMATTACHMENTCustom attachment’s filename.
XXXCARDHOLDERNAMEName of credit card holder
XXXPASSWORDA random password string (for Direct Feed clients only)
XXXTESTMODEStatus of your registration pages. 0 = Live, 1 = Accept All, 2 = Decline All.
NUMREGISTRANTSNumber of registrations in succession by the same user (every time ‘Register Another’ is clicked by the same user, this number increases by one)
LANGUAGELanguage of the registration web pages (English or French)
MESSAGE1Corresponds to the text that is defined in event definition under the ‘Message 1’ prompt.
MESSAGE2Corresponds to the text that is defined in event definition under the ‘Message 2’ prompt.
MESSAGE3Corresponds to the text that is defined in event definition under the ‘Message 3’ prompt.
DATETIMEReturns registrantion date and time
DATEReturns registrantion date
DATE_MDYReturns registrantion date and time in the form of MDY
DATE_MMMDDYYYYReturns registrantion date and time in the form of MMMDDYYYY
DATE_YYYYMMDDReturns registrantion date and time in the form of YYYYMMDD
effective_date[date_format][yyyymmdd]Return the date in the variable if registration date is prior to that date. if not, return the registration date.
%M %e, %Y – April 5, 2017
%M %D, %Y – April 5th, 2017
EMBEDDED_IMAGE=xxxEmbed an image in email body. The image needs to be uploaded in the images directory. (HTML email only)
(e.g. EMBEDDED_IMAGE=logo.gif)

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