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Combine Events


This technique is used when different types of tickets are issued for the same event. In step 1 the user can select the event, instead of the type of ticket. In step 2 the user can select how many of each type of ticket they wish to purchase. Each ticket shows as a seperate item on the review page and the invoice. Each type of ticket is stored as a seperate “event”, which is why the “events” must be combined to get the desired effect.


A movie theatre wants to issue adult tickets and student tickets.

How It Works

Events are combined when their ‘Matrix Column Heading’ and the ‘Event’s Matrix Display Name’ are identical.

Steps to Combine the two ticket types:


  1. Create a Registration Form for each type of ticket:Adult tickets Registration Form:
      1. Name the new form “Movie – Adult RegForm” and select any standard questions.
      1. Click on the “Custom Questions” tab. (You may need to save the form and then open it again to see the tab)
    1. Create a new custom question:

    Information to enter – Only important fields are mentioned.

    Question Fieldname Enter ‘ADULT_COUNT_adt’

    (‘ADULT_COUNT’ must be included in the fieldname for questions which carry ticket quantities)


    Question Fieldname Enter ‘How many adult tickets would you like to purchase?’
    Question Type Choose ‘select’ from the drop-down menu and enter ‘1~0~2~3~4~5’ in the text box
    1. Click on the “Pricing Options” tab select the following settings:

    1. Click on  

    Student tickets Registration Form:

      1. Name the new form “Movie – Student RegForm” and select any standard questions.
      1. Click on the “Custom Questions” tab. (You may need to save the form and then open it again to see the tab)
    1. Create a new custom question:Information to enter
      Question Fieldname Enter ‘ADULT_COUNT_stu’

      (‘ADULT_COUNT’ must be included in the fieldname for questions which carry ticket quantities)


      Question Fieldname Enter ‘How many student tickets would you like to purchase?’
      Question Type Choose ‘select’ from the drop-down menu and enter ‘1~0~2~3~4~5’ in the text box

      Click on the “Pricing Options” tab select the following settings:



    1. Click on  
  2. Create an “event” for each ticket type:
    Note: For information on creating events, see Creating an Event. Only applicable fields within event settings will be described here. Other fields, such as the ticket price should also be entered.
    Adult Ticket Event:
    Event Setting Screen Field Name Information to Select/Enter
    Event Information Event Name Movie – Adult
    Event Information Event’s Matrix Display Name Movie Ticket
    Registration/Enrollment Registration Form Movie – Adult RegForm
    Display Options (Step 1) Display Event on Step1 Event Matrix? Yes
    Display Options (Step 1) Matrix Column Heading Select Event

    Student Ticket Event:

    Event Setting Screen Field Name Information to Select/Enter
    Event Information Event Name Movie – Student
    Event Information Event’s Matrix Display Name Movie Ticket
    Registration/Enrollment Registration Form Movie – Student RegForm
    Display Options (Step 1) Display Event on Step1 Event Matrix? Yes
    Display Options (Step 1) Matrix Column Heading Select Event

    Note: The fields that are bolded must be idential for both the adult ticket and student ticket events.




Step 1

Step 2

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