- Tool Bar
- Company Address Box
- Registrant’s Address box
- Company Logo
- Receipt Title
- Reference Number box
- Confirmed Transaction History Section
- Payment-Pending Transaction Section
- Unprocessed Transaction Section
- Bottom note
- Barcodes
If you’d like to customize this, you can create a template file (Edit > Preferences > Template Filenames).
Sample file: https://secure.e-registernow.com/m2088/officialreceipt.htm
Variable | Variable Definition in eTickets |
EREG_HEADERFILES | This always needs to go in <head> tag. |
TOOLBAR | Tool Bar (if applicable). This need to be placed right under <body>. |
RECEIPT_DEFAULT | Default html codes for Official Receipt |
CONFIRMED_TRANSACTIONHISTORY | Confirmed Transaction History Section |
PENDING_TRANSACTIONS | Pending Transaction History Section |
UNPROCESSED_TRANSACTIONS | Queued Transaction History Section |
BILLFROMADDRESSBOX | Company Address Box |
BILLTOADDRESSBOX | Registrant’s Address box |
REFDATEBOX | Reference Number box |
CURRENTDATE | Current Date (e.g.) April 8, 2017 |
CURRENTDATE(x) | Current Date. by entering 1, 2 or 3 for x, the format can be changed. [format] 1: April 8, 2014, 2: Apr 8, 2014, 3: 2014Apr08 |
MERCHANT_NAME1 | Merchant Account Name |
MERCHANT_NAME2 | Secondary Merchant Account Name |
CONTACT_COMPANY | Contact Name |
CONTACT_ADDRESS | Contact Address |
CONTACT_CITY | Contact City |
CONTACT_PROV | Contact Province |
CONTACT_POSTAL | Contact Postal Code |
CONTACT_COUNTRY | Contact Country |
CONTACT_PHONE | Contact Phone |
CONTACT_FAX | Contact Fax |
LOGO | Company Logo |
REFERENCE_NUMBER | Reference Number |
REGISTRANT_FULLNAME | Registrant Full Name |
REGISTRANT_NAME_SALUTATION | Registrant Salutation |
REGISTRANT_NAME_FIRST | Registrant First Name |
REGISTRANT_NAME_MIDDLE | Registrant Middle Name |
REGISTRANT_NAME_LAST | Registrant Last Name |
REGISTRANT_HOME_ADDRESS | Registrant Home Address |
REGISTRANT_HOME_CITY | Registrant Home City |
REGISTRANT_HOME_PROVINCE | Registrant Home Province |
REGISTRANT_HOME_POSTAL | Registrant Home Postal Code/Zip Code |
REGISTRANT_HOME_COUNTRY | Registrant Home Country |
REGISTRANT_EMAIL | Registrant Email |
REGISTRANT_JOBTITLE | Registrant Job Title |
REGISTRANT_BUSINESS_NAME | Registrant’s Company Name |
REGISTRANT_BUSINESS_ADDRESS1 | Registrant’s Company address line 1 |
REGISTRANT_BUSINESS_ADDRESS2 | Registrant’s Company address line 2 |
REGISTRANT_BUSINESS_CITY | Registrant’s Company city |
REGISTRANT_BUSINESS_PROVINCE | Registrant’s Company Province |
REGISTRANT_BUSINESS_POSTAL | Registrant’s Company city Postal Code/Zip Code |
REGISTRANT_BUSINESS_COUNTRY | Registrant’s Company Country |
BARCODE | Ticket Barcode |