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Account Created Page

The following is an example of an HTML body of a template for the “Account Created” page:

<FORM action=”%%portal_account_action%%” method=”%%portal_account_method%%” name=”%%portal_account_name%%”>

<H4>Account Successfully Created</H4>

<br><br> We’ve just sent you a pin number so you can login to our website.

<br><br> Your new pin number can be acquired from your email account at %%PEMAIL%%.

<br><br> If you’d like to change the pin number, click on ‘Change your pin number?’ found on this page or on the login page.

<br><br> To advance to the login page please press the ‘Login’ button below.

<INPUT name=”%%portal_account_loginbutton_name%%” type=submit value=”%%portal_account_loginbutton_value%%”>
<br> %%portal_step1_forgotpinURL%%

<br><br> %%portal_account_hiddendata%%


This creates the following display:

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